Rice is foremost cereal in Bangladesh. It is the seed of monocot plants Oryza Sativa widely produced in tropical and semi tropical region particularly in Asia. Bangladesh has lands of excellent sub tropical climate, abundant water from the river Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna which produce an excellent chance to grow rice. Bangladesh is an agricultural country, most of the peoples use agriculture for ther livelihood where rice is chief. Accordingly the world rice statistics of 2003-2004, Bangladesh was produced 26.4 million metric tones rice and Bangladesh took place the 4th rice producing country in the world.
Types of Rice Produced in Bangladesh
Bangladesh produces rice through a year as Aush, Amon and Boro. Amon is generally cultivated at December to January where Boro is March to May and Aush is July to August. In the year 1997-98, Bangladesh was produced 19 million metric tones rice which was just 15percent bellow than total need of the country. Among total land area, Amon is produced about 56.63%, Boro is produced about 28.17% and rest is produced as Aush. According to the statistics of the year 2009-10 Bangladesh produced 32356 thousands metric tones rice which was 91% of the total demand.
The cultivation of rice in Bangladesh varies according to seasonal changes in the water supply. The largest harvest is Amon, occurring in November and December and accounting for more than half of annual production. Some rice for the Amon harvest is sown in the spring through the broadcast method, matures during the summer rains, and is harvested in the fall.The higher yielding method involves starting the seeds in special beds and transplanting during the summer monsoon. The second harvest is Aush, involving traditional strains but more often including high-yielding, dwarf varieties. Rice for the Aush harvest is sown in March or April, benefits from April and May rains, matures during in the summer rain, and is harvested during the summer.
Rice harvesting is a festival in Bangladesh. When rices ripe properly or maturity is come than farmers become ready to harvest. Harvesting is done at different times accordingly different categories of rice and their cultivation. Harvesting may be done in hand method(directly by hand) or mechanical(by machine). In Bangladesh, farmers harvest with the help of sickles(kanchi) directly by hand. Harvesting is generally done by day labours through a low wages in Bangladesh.
Processing & Storage
After harvesting it needs to process to get rice from the plant. Processing is done either manually or help of machine. After collecting rice now it dries in sun light for storage properly, otherwise it may attack by bacteria or fungus.
Different Foods
Rice is our major food which is use as different recipe. Using rice a wide range of delicious foods being produced in Bangladesh. Among them vat, muri, khai, biriani, polao, morog-polar, kacchi-biriani, payesh are produced widely. As a Bengali Nation we use different recipe of rice mostly as our daily foods. Rice is a nutritious and a carbohydrate food.